zero7404 wrotei asked Macecraft directly about Regsupreme Vista x64 support and when they will have an update for it.
the answer i got was downgrade to 32bit, or upgrade to jv16...?
what kind of customer support is that ? i paid for the license for regsupreme, now that i upgraded to x64 Vista i cannot use this registry cleaner ???
I think that is just a very literal response about what you can do right now.
I suspect you are interested more in what the future will likely hold, so read this recent post by the developer.
When the updated RegSupremes occur, they should have the same Vista X64 support as jv16 PowerTools 2008.
Also, since jv16 PT2008 had an upgrade price from PT200x ($5.95 or $6.95), RS or RSP 2008 could have one also. However, I have seen no statement in these forums about an upgrade price for the RegSupremes.