Hey I have paid for two "updates" already. The scheme you use of downloading the updates into a temp file, installing and deleting is not that unusual, that being said with a fine working product I was "forced" to download the new version. It is terrible and as well filled with more bloat IMHO. I paid for the license for the product on several occasions as well as bought Reg Supreme Pro as your marketing did not differentiate it as merely a stripped down version of what I had already paid for. I have an extra license to JV16 Power Tools that I never used somewhere. Now, After trying the new version and being very displeased; when in contrast I was very pleased with the prior release and its patches the update path to update what I originally saved as my first "got to update from JV Power Tools 2005 right away" is an antiquated version that I can no longer update on my new machine. No I am not installing on more machines that I have licensed but I am somewhat upset after paying for JV2005, 2X JV2006 as well as Reg Supreme Pro I am forced to pay for another version of this software that I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the prior release whatsoever. I have been doing this, meaning developing and working with computers long before Windbloz, the PC or the WWW and I feel a bit slighted by this strategy. I know one thing is for certain, if you continue to release things in this manner after all I have invested, and I am forced to buy yet another version that has a more flashy GUI and a bunch of bugs to fix (that is the norm, no insult intended about bugs; we all find them post RC and BETA...) But I will be pulling the updates from the temp file before it is deleted and saving the update; even if I have to write a C# program to do so! A simple script ought to do it I would think...
Anyway, I like what you have developed, but do feel it should be the consumer's choice if they desire to hang back with an older version, especially until the bugs are worked out of a new release, you have made that impossible. The JV16 Power Tools 2007 thread is locked and I see no downloads available that would update my old installer with all of the old patches. So now I have a mission critical system that you want me to put a buggy version of essentially the public BETA of 2008 on my platform and then pay for it as well. Sounds like M$; how many years have I been paying for their OS's and not getting paid for fixing their bugs and conflicts; even when I have to do so at code level? Something I am tiring of.
I just thought I would chime in here. I like the product and I am sure everyone will flame the pants off of me as usual, but I do not like this approach; especially the way the update was offered through an auto-update that if one were not paying too much attention, they ended up installing it, and yes just as another poster noticed, he thought it was an update, not a permanent money making version change "carrot" he was downloading; that is why he asked about having both versions installed at one time. He was oblivious to the idea this was a new "pay me for it " release...
Best of luck. I am uncertain how we will handle this situation. While I am a firm believer this is one of the best and safest tools of its kind, dissent and aggravation can wean a person of such things... Keep on developing and I hope your venture fairs well.
Best regards,