I'm glad to see jv16 PowerTools included in a review without having to pay for inclusion (that's the way most of these reviews work, I'm sad to say) but I'm not too impressed with the actual review. For me, it seems like the tester didn't spend a lot of time with the job, just another day at the office.
The lack of time really shows, for example he states that "And except for Registry First Aid, none of the products would repair faulty entries, but instead just deleted entries that were no longer valid." This is simply not true, PowerTools has always focused on fixing errors and not simply removing them, and I have personally advised everyone to use its fixing features instead of the Delete button. He also says that Registry First Aid supports all versions of Windows, this is not true since RFA doesn't support any 64 bit versions, while jv16 PowerTools does.
In the summary he states that some registry cleaner (doesn't mention which ones) made his old computer start 10 seconds faster, but still he doesn't think it was a good result. Nor does he (As far as I can see) mention actually how long it took before to boot the computer, this gives the reader no idea how much did the registry cleaners improve the startup time, nor which cleaners improved it the best. Instead, he mainly underlines that no cleaner was able to fix his computer's problem with Spoolsv.exe - which all we know might have nothing to do with the registry in the first place.