You probably should contact Customer Care for this sort of Technical Support:
There is even a live chat capability.
But here's something you could try:
1. Your screenshot shows 26+ thousand entries of unneeded data. Depending on your system's capacity, such a large number may have PT waiting for memory or some other resource. The entries are very likely MRU items.
2. Before running Registry Cleaner, use History Cleaner to backup and clear out the high count lines.
3. Then run Registry Cleaner as you did before to see if you get a better outcome.
I also note that two of the scans (not counting the ActiveX one) do not show as "finished" in your screenshot:
1. File extension scan
2. Left-over software data scan
If use of History Cleaner does not make the problem go away, you could use the Registry Cleaner "Advanced engine settings." Run only those two scans, one at a time, to see if the problem follows one of them, and report back here.