siliconman01 On Vista SP1 Business and the latest release of 466, the Run Quick System Analysis under File in the top menu bar no longer works.
tullik siliconman01 wroteOn Vista SP1 Business and the latest release of 466, the Run Quick System Analysis under File in the top menu bar no longer works. It worked on my Vista Business.
siliconman01 Flush the Cache via Maintenance, close jv16, restart jv16 and then see if works. I put 460 back in and it worked fine. So I put 466 back in and it worked. Then I flushed the Cache and now it no longer works on 466. The same occurs on XP-SP3 system.
tullik You are right. It goes like this: 1. Flush the cache with the Settings tool 2. Upon restarting PT, reply "No" to the quick system analysis question. (*) 3. Then do File-->Run quick system analysis -- it does nothing. (*) If you reply "Yes," it does the analysis.
siliconman01 I don't get any question on restarting PT. It does not seem to recognize that the Cache has been flushed.
tullik There is a "last asked" date check. Delete Settings\SysAnalysis.dat before you start PT to force the question.
jv16 This problem should now be fixed, thank you for reporting! The fix will be included to the next released version.