I just noticed an oddity with v1.8.0.457 and XP SP2. 457 installed just fine (upgrade over 455) and seems to run just fine from my own, main account. I am the computer owner, etc. My wife also has an account on this computer and has administrator privileges. However, loggin onto her account, I cannot open jv16pt. Nothing happens.
I thought of re-installing v1.8.0.457 from my wife's account to see if that would adtivate things, but I don't have the time to fool with it right now. Since my wife has no use for jv16pt, I never noticed this problem before (she actually has her own computer). Hence, I don't know if this problem has been around for me since the beginning of v1.8x and/or the problem existed in v1.8.0.455. I just have no idea.
So 2 questions:
1. Has anyone else experienced this, not being able to open jv16pt from a second administrator account?
2. Is there a workaround? (Does re-installing v1.8.0.457 from my wife's account sound like a reasonable thing to try?)
3. Did I do something wrong?
I guess I should add that v1.8.0.457 works just fine on my wife's Vista Home Premium laptop where I am also the main administrator and my wife also has administrator privileges. Both my wife and I can use jv16pt on the laptop.