jv16 wrote ... I got the win9x compatibility issue sorted out pretty well, the program should now work under Win9x except that it might show an error message when you close the program, but that's very minor problem.
I ran v. on a 98SE PC. It appeared only the PT2007-like main window could be used. I only used these tools:
All had normal looking results windows. I didn't actually change anything (not my machine).
Upon closing the program, there were actually three error messages. A pair of pop-ups informing about an "illegal operation" and "a failed call to an OS function" appeared with acknowledgement buttons. Then there was a BSOD which offered to close the program ("press any key") or restart windows. I closed the program and windows continued to work normally (AFAICT).
Once that ending snag is fixed, the program will likely be as fully functional as old Win9x can handle. That's amazing!