Well, as "old" user I have to admit that I never have seen a "final" version of jv16 PowerTools with so many remaining shortcomings, issues and bugs. I am convinced that the betatesting time was insufficient and that the "final" version has been released too early. Betatesters have had not enough time to test the beta's thorougly and even the reported issues and bugs have not been fixed all or adequately enough.
I have the impression that the version 2008 had to be released absolutely before the opening of a "branch" in the U.S.A. and that this time the new GUI was the most important thing.
Also it looks like the remaining issues/bugs don't get fixed easily and quickly.
What's more: also the official Macecraft website keeps showing a lot of issues, anomalies and links pointing to other stuff than aimed.
It's high time, Jouni, to take things in control again :