Why does jv16pt.exe hog my CPU a lot (sometimes fully) after analyzing my Windows XP. Pro. SP2's registry with jv16 PowerTools 2008 v1.8.0.446's Registry Cleaner? Even if I idle, it hogs CPU. It's hard to scroll, click, etc. with this. I ran Process Explorer to see what's up, but saw nothing interesting (not a programmer). I attached a screen shot of it FYI. My computer specifications can be found here: http://alpha.zimage.com/~ant/antfarm/about/computers.txt (primary machine). It seems the more registry keys it found problems with, the slower it is. I had like over 10,000 registry keys with issues.
I never had this problem with 2005 version (yes, I uninstalled 2005 and installed 2008 into a new folder/directory). I might have to downgrade back to 2005 if this can't be resolved within my 30 days trial. :(
Thank you in advance. :)