RegSupremePro - Trial, vers. - Win2000 -- computer 10+ years old
I ran the RegCleaner and had no problem. According to RegSupPro, my computer went from 1/100 (awful) to 98/100 (practically perfect) the first try. Great!
Now I would like to run the Registry Compactor. The Registry Compactor icon leads me to a BLANK GRID. It shows NOTHING in my Registry to compact! As that's impossible, I believe there's some simple something that I'm not seeing. What? ... And, if I'm not missing something, how may I use or what may I do to use that primary element of RegSupremePro?
I see that "my" Compactor problem (no longer an "issue") has been an issue for YEARS!! Yes, my Registry is in Drive C, etc., etc. -- Has NO ONE been able to fix this snag?!
Thank you for your attention to this matter. -- Red.