The first couple of times I ran File Cleaner, there was a list. Since then, nothing. With Easy Cleaner run right after just now, there are close to a 1000 unnecessary files (all temps). Setting is Medium. When I run Detect Temp Dirs, it comes back with three locations. Is it looking only at those? The temp files setting is as follows:
*.tmp; *.temp; *.gid; *.chk; *.~*;*.old; *.fts; *.ftg; *.$$$; *.---; ~*.*; *.??$; *.___; *._mp; *.dmp; *.prv; CHKLIST.MS; *.$db; *.??~; *.db$; chklist.*; mscreate.dir;
Any ideas?
Update: If I add empty files to the search, the app comes back with quite a few .dll and .ini files that are not empty (e.g., boot.ini). Sure seems there's something screwy going on.