I think this subject deserves closer attention. it seems that no matter the registry optimizing utility you use, ActiveX scans do not do a professional job. I have tested more than 11 different registry programs, from the most sophisticated suites to the simplest, “one click” solutions available. I have spent over $1000.00 during the last 10 years in search of the best registry cleaner. One of the best is jv16Tools, and has been such ever since it started.
However, ActiveX seems to be another story for every single registry cleanr/optimizer out there. All these applications seem to disagree about the errors found. Either they find too many false errors, which crash your computer if cleaned; or they find one or two errors and leave behind a plethora of registry performance problems.
What does a registry cleaner/optimizer need to do, to find exactly what it needs to find as far as ActiveX is concerned? i am even willing to make a small application myself and put it for free in the internet so everyone can benefit from it. Just for repairing or deleting the right ActiveX components. it has taken me over ten years of research and I still do not have a clue as to the algorythm that would do it. If anyone has the answer, I would really appreciate it.