If the Registry Cleaner of jv16 PowerTools always freezes or crashes on your computer please continue reading.
You can help us to fix the problem by following these steps:
1) Download and install this special debug build: http://www.macecraft.com/downloads/betas/jv16pt_setup_debug1.exe
You should install it to a new directory, for example to C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools Debug\
2) Create an empty file called DebugMode.dat or DebugMode.txt to the installation directory, for example C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools Debug\
3) Run the scan of the Registry Cleaner that always causes the problem. Avoid running all the scans at once as it is very slow. Running even one scan is very slow because of the debug logging that goes on.
After the scan has frozen or crashed. open a file called jv16PT_debuglog.txt from your desktop and post here (copy & paste), to this thread the last 50 or so lines of it.