Highly edited by me since I first wrote it, to reflect changes from v.405 to v.411...
It's getting better with the updated versions: the Software Manager now finds and uses the AOL Uninstaller correctly for AOL versions 6.0, 9.0SE, and 9.0VR (the 3 versions I've tested so far) when doing a basic (not Custom--didn't test that) uninstall.
9.0VR installs 7 separate programs, and older versions of AOL install up to 15; I want people to be able to place checks next to all of them and remove them all at once, which the updated version of PT normally does.
It works when I try it with AOL 6.0 and 9.0SE; 9.0VR is the only version that gives me a problem.
I tried this in various combinations: by trying to remove all 7 programs at once, by trying to remove just 4 programs at once, and by trying to remove just one program at a time (with the AOL Uninstaller being the first one I chose to remove).
Update: I tried this with both v.405 and v.411; v.405 was the one that wouldn't let me uninstall but one AOL program at at time. .v411 will let me uninstall up to 4 programs at last check: AOL Uninstaller, America Online, Meta Streams,and RealPlayer SDK (I think they're all listed in the screen shot below) *but* (I keep editing this as I find out more) after it runs the AOL Uninstaller, it hangs on removing the other 3 programs.
Neither v.405 nor .v411 will not let me remove all 7 programs at once, either; it errors out with "Error: only one program can be uninstalled at a time" and hangs.
PT has other issues that worry me in the hands of less-than-competent users, so I'm holding off updating my tutorial for it for now...I'll be discussing the other issues soon in a separate post.
Here's a screen shot of the software group that causes jv16 to hang, if that helps shed any light...