PT and RSPro directory sharing ...
jv, just FYI,
As follows, it is possible to share directories across products (and I do):
1. RegSupreme and RegSupreme Pro (1.4.0.x versions)* -- no directories can be shared
* -- registry backups are upward compatible, and can be copied into the shared PT Backups folder
2. PT2004 (v* -- no directories can be shared
* -- registry backups are almost compatible; they can be put into the shared PT Backups folder after some creative editing
3. PT2005 (* -- Backups, Cache, Settings, Snapshots, and Tasks can be shared
* -- Snapshots can not be used since Registry Monitor is not upward compatible
* -- Registry Cleaner RegCleaner.dat except for Quick select is compatible with PT2006, but not with any 1.7 version
* -- this can easily be controlled with saved Preferences
* -- other settings (for tools I use) appear to be upward compatible through 1.7 versions
* -- actually making changes with tools other than Registry Cleaner requires extra discretion
4. PT2006 (* -- Backups, Cache, Settings, Snapshots, and Tasks can be shared
* -- Registry Cleaner RegCleaner.dat except for Quick select is compatible with PT2005, but not with any 1.7 version
* -- this can easily be controlled with saved Preferences
* -- other settings (for tools I use) appear to be upward compatible through 1.7 versions
* -- actually making changes with tools other than Registry Cleaner requires some discretion
5. PT2007 (v* -- Backups, Cache, Settings, Snapshots, and Tasks can be shared
* -- Registry Cleaner RegCleaner.dat is not backward compatible
* -- this can easily be controlled with saved Preferences
* -- other settings (for tools I use) appear to be downward compatible through PT2005
6. RegSupreme Pro (v* -- Backups, Cache, Settings, Snapshots, and Tasks can be shared
* -- of course RegSupreme Pro does not use Snapshots, and Tasks
* -- otherwise, for its subset of tools, it appears to be 100% compatible with PT2007 (v
7. Disclaimers:* -- some tools I seldom use
* -- some .dat files in the shared Settings folder seem to contain unnecessary settings
* -- no doubt much of that is due to my sharing the Settings folder through releases
* -- it seems to do no harm (no significant effect on the way the tools operate across versions, except as noted above)
* -- using prior versions undoes some cosmetic/convenience improvements (e.g., remembering column widths)
* -- these are easily recovered just by using the tools, and I only go back when there's a reason (see 8 ) …
8. Why do all this in the first place?* -- to support answers in the Forums
* -- to enable comparisons in results for new releases
* -- to occasionally use features no longer present in current releases
9. The tool settings compatibility is really quite amazing -- great job!