This test compared Registry Finder's performance using the "boolean search" method to that using the "Search words/Ignore words" method.
The "boolean search" method used this statement: "DosDevices" AND NOT "COM1" AND NOT ":"
The "Search words/Ignore words" method used a Search word of DosDevices and these Ignore words: COM1 and :
Both methods found the same registry items (shown after the screenshot).
The "Search words/Ignore words" method ran for 18 seconds. The second longest peak in the screenshot shows its cpu use and elapsed time.
The "boolean search" method ran nearly seven times as long. The longest peak in the screenshot shows its performance.
Conclusion: use of the "boolean search" method is currently not advised except for testing. Reasons:#1 Its present capabilities are very limited since it does not search across the three registry sources (key, name, and value).
#2 Detailed documentation of its syntax is not yet available.
#3 Its performance needs improvement.
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Windows Task Manager performance screenshot for PT2007 Registry Finder (green=total cpu, red=kernel cpu)
Shot at 2007-07-27
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Search result:jv16 PowerTools 2007
Data fields are: Key, Entry's name, Value, Entry last modified
HKLM\HWare\DEVICEMAP\PARALLEL PORTS\, \Device\Parallel0, \DosDevices\LPT1, 26.07.2007, 03
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet003\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13