I don't have this bad experience with JVPover Tools. But I have the same experience with some other software on various PC's, that some of the antivirus programmes detetct trojans in it. Sometimes it could really be, that there are kinds of "packed trojanes" inside, which were used for trial evaluation software, or, in other cases, the (antivrus) software is bad programmed. Thats it. May be, that antivirus software is right. And the softwareproducer wants to spy the user. I can give you the advice, to scan with Cure it (free download antivirus scanner, does not install with routine) LINK: http://download.drweb.com/drweb+cureit/
Its free and finds many bad, also in packedware (zip,rar...)
But, I don't think that Macecraft software would have trojans inside.
Don't worry I can trust Macecraft, you also can, too.
I tried different Antivirus (Trend Micro, AVG, Bitdefender, Dr.Web (*small, cheap & good search engine*) Never they found anything in JV16!
Note the sentence: Software lives!
friendly regards from Goldmine (Kiel, Germany)