jv16 wroteJ-Mac wrote
I tried Corel +update, "Corel update", Corel AND update. All without success. any modifier I use causes zero results to be returned. If I leave out the modifiers I get all the keys with "update" in them.
Is there any way to combine terms when performing a search using Registry Finder?
Yes there is, it's called the Perl regular expression search. It uses the standard perl regular expressions, you can find more info about them at:
Registry Finder and perl
Using the search word DosDevices with either the normal or perl method yields the lines shown below.
What perl expression in Registry Finder's Search words would:
Are such functions supported? I tried:
- 1. DosDevices && PRN
2. DosDevices ! PRN
Both caused nothing to show.
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jv16 PowerTools 2007
Data fields are: Key, Entry's name, Value, Entry last modified
HKLM\HWare\DEVICEMAP\PARALLEL PORTS\, \Device\Parallel0, \DosDevices\LPT1, 09.07.2007, 20
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, AUX, \DosDevices\COM1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet003\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, AUX, \DosDevices\COM1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\ControlSet003\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\E:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\H:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\I:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\K:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\L:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\Q:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\J:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\F:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\D:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\C:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\G:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\M:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\N:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\O:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\MountedDevices\, \DosDevices\P:, N/A, 04.06.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, AUX, \DosDevices\COM1, 14.04.2007, 13
HKLM\Sys\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices\, PRN, \DosDevices\LPT1, 14.04.2007, 13