jv16 wroteI tried this with my computer, if I enter the data Nick555 sent to my registy and save some file as C:\Tools\HijackThis.exe it doesn't show in the Registry Cleaner.
When I removed the file HijackThis.exe the key is shown with the Registry Cleaner just as it should have.
So I can't reproduce the problem.
Using the "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" posts in this thread, I replaced the UninstallString in my key with that of Nick555. This showed (via eyeballing RegEdit) that the red quote marks in my prior post are data, but the red backslashes are delimiters (and therefore, balanced). The matter was confusing since Microsoft's copy and paste suppresses the quote marks. The suppression happened both from the top of the Reg Cleaner window and from the RegEdit entry name Modify context menu popup. It appears to happen during the copy -- I "proved" this using Excel since copy and paste within a spread sheet did not suppress quote marks.
My UninstallString value: C:\Program Files\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe /uninstall
Nick555's UninstallString value: "C:\Tools\HijackThis.exe" /uninstall (just as jv said earlier)
But all that is not Nick555's problem. With the UninstallString set as follows, you get the results shown below:
Therefore, more likely than not, C:\Tools\HijackThis.exe does not exist on Nick555's system … ?
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During my checking this, a very, very minor RC bug became evident -- if, without closing the results or scan report windows, you do multiple rescans, then the counts shown in the scan report are the sum of the counts from all the scans.