Yeah, I didn't see the survey either.
However, let me also put in a good word for CCleaner. it does an excellent job of killing "bad" cookies automatically on boot-up and is very fast. Double clicking a desktop icon and running it after a session isn't bad either if you prefer that. Did I mention that it is free?
Lots of other good features like the issues scanner and all sorts of history cleaners.
I use jv16 primarily as a registry cleaner and tweaker and think it's the best around for that.
The combination of jv16 and CCleaner is a winner.
But I wouldn't have eliminated features from the new jv16 either. Kinda makes it a less "powerful" PowerTool. Goes into the "what were they thinking" file.
Just noticed the comment about "adding support to all the major browser seemed like too much work" Hmmmmmmmmm.
CCleaner works with other major browsers too, as well as a couple of dozen other major applications. Guess it wasn't too much work for them in producing a free utility.