I come back to the 1 Click Cleaner subject Tchapaiev posted here .
As far as I'm concerned I think he's right.
In other similar 3rd party tools indeed, there exists a possibility for the user - after the tool ended its analysis - to select from the presented list of found items only those items one wishes to clear (delete) actually by checking them (in the checkboxes next to them) and only then clicking the button "OK" or "Clean" or "Delete"...
Here's the way 1 Click Cleaner should operate...
1) The user chooses the options WHAT to clean, WHERE(IN) to clean, etc.
2) The tool analyses matching the chosen options;
3) When the analysis is ready, the tool presents a LIST with found items matching the chosen options;
4) The items in te list are provided with checkboxes;
5) The user selects the items he really wants to be cleaned (and only them) by ticking the checkboxes;
6) The user clicks only then "OK", or "Clean" or "Delete" ....
I think that's the whole process Tchapaiev had (has) in mind and I agree with him.
I think Jouni could easily modify the 1 Click Cleaner that way and the tool will be much more userfriendly :