jv16 Here are some news: http://www.macecraft.com/news/132/ The RC1 will be out in April. I would tell more specific release date if I could, but there are still things under development so I can't yet estimate how much it takes. Sorry to keep you all waiting but I hope the new user interface of the Registry Cleaner and the new registry cleaning engine are worth the wait.
blackdex Nice nice, Jouni :). Well we just have to wait then. Better a nice, good working program, then quickly finished software. Anyway, keepup the good work. BTW: Hope you will put in some Vista64 (or just x64) support into it.
jepe Hello, I fully agree with "BlackDex". I think there's no need to apologize for this little delay, knowing that we will have quiet a lot of nice improvements. Regards to all the team. Jean-Paul