I downloaded, installed and ran beta 5 as requested. I am running it on Dell 6600 Vista computer with a 2.4 GHz processor and 2 Gigs of memory. With the 2006 version I received multiple error messages (141 entries ranked High where file does not exist). With the new 2007 beta 5 version that has dramatically decreased to the following messages for High Severity that were not resolved:
: Failed to remove "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\CCPD\SuiteOwners\{0D7956A2-5A08-4ec2-A72C-DF8495A66016} : ParentPlugin"! Windows core returned the following error: "Access is denied."
: Failed to remove "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\SymSetup\Internet Security : ShortcutPath"! Windows core returned the following error: "Access is denied."
: Failed to remove "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\InstalledApps : Internet Security Data"! Windows core returned the following error: "Access is denied."
: Failed to remove "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\InstalledApps : Norton Internet Security Data"! Windows core returned the following error: "Access is denied."
: The registry fixing procedure is now complete. It was possible to correct 0 items out of 6, 6 items had to be removed in order to fix the problems. You can undo all the changes from the backups.