Four items noted upon initial Beta2 installation:
Quick Tutorial: 2nd bullet, 1st screen, is grammatically incorrect (run-on sentence). "The product contains an amazing set of features, there is no need to master them all, you can use only the features you find useful." Suggest: "The product contains an amazing set of features. There is no need to master them all; you can use only the features you find useful."
Quick Tutorial: On cache generation page, after selection of "Generate the file cache now (Highly recommended)" check box, text reads, "The cache generation analyzes all of your system's hard drives, it can take a few minutes to complete." This is grammatically incorrect (run-on sentence). Suggest: "Since the cache generation analyzes all of your system's hard drives, it can take a few minutes to complete." or "The cache generation analyzes all of your system's hard drives, so it can take a few minutes to complete."
Quick Tutorial: Also on cache generation page, last sentence states, "The feature doesn't use the Internet and doesn't send the data to anyone." Upon clicking the Next button (after selecting the "Generate the file cache now (Highly recommended)" check box), a message box appears stating, "This feature requires jv16 Power Tools to connect to Macecraft Software's central server to download the information. No information is sent to Macecraft Software." The first sentence in the message box contradicts the sentence cited on the Quick Tutorial screen.
Also, Help options that open a browser window (e.g., Homepage..., Visit the online support forums, Search the web..., etc.) open Internet Explorer instead of the user's default browser.