ryan Really annoying bug with Regsupreme. Been happening since 1.2 and was hoping it would get fixed, but for some reason on my laptop when i do a scan and it finishes it pops up with the normal message of how long the scan took and how many entrys. I then click ok and start going through the entrys and another message pops up with a longer amount of time saying the scan was complete : Why is it giving me 2 scan complete messages? Driving me nuts. Using the latest regsupreme 1.3.31 and is registered.
blackdex Please search the forum before you ask your question. It is awnser here: http://www.macecraft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=152
ryan Thats not the same problem im having. Im talking about the fact that im getting 2 confirmation dialogs which there should only be 1. It pops up saying that it took 128 sec to scan and it found 22 entrys then when i click ok 20 seconds or so sometimes immediatly the same box will popup saying 148 sec to scan and it found 22 entrys
blackdex Sorry for that.. Think i wern't awake enough. But i tested it a few times.. And i don't get 2 messageboxes. Havent tested it on an other computer yet.
ryan My desktop it works fine its my laptop that does it. Tryed an uninstall and reinstall and the same problem occurs.