I have used the trial version of PT 2006 and have found it to be a very fine program, far superior to the competition. I will be purchasing the program within a week.
Regarding PT 2007:
If possible, I would suggest the following items be considered:
1. In Registry Cleaners Problem column; add a reference to the program or application which generated the entries for; Useless file extension, Invalid ApplD entry, Invalid ProglD entry, Invalid TypeLib entry, and Obsolete Add/Remove menu entry.
This would provide very useful information when deciding whether or not to delete the items. If this is not possible because the source data has been deleted, then I suggest item 2.
2. Add a new module called Program/Application Monitor.
The function would be to:
• Provide an upfront interface for installation of Programs.
This would require P/A Monitor to run in the background.
• Monitor all registry entries made by Programs.
Monitor from point of installation to uninstall.
• Create association Pointers for Programs to registry entries.
• Maintain a database of the Pointers.
• Provide association data in Registry Cleaner Problem Column.
If this suggestion is not feasible at present, I understand. I’m sure whatever improvements PT 2007 has, it will be a great program and I look forward to its release.