Bonjour à tous !
First things first: JV16 IS A WONDER.
I had to say it since I've been using Regcleaner and JV16 for more than three years now.It's a necessary tool,nothingless.
I just wanted to know if the following message:
is a bug or if it's the result of a misuse ?
When I click on OK,the scanning process starts for a few seconds and then simply stops.All the other functions in JV16 2006 work fine as far as I know (Even though it's true that I haven't used them all yet)
I want to add that this pb occurs whatever the name of the file (Proper name,common,file extension)
It's the first time I encounter this kind of pb... :
Any ideas,please ?
Thank you
-I'm on wxp/32,sp2
-I tried what Tullik recommended here and it still doesn't work:
However I'm sure this function worked at a time but I can't remember if it was with this version (The latest one) or a previous one...