Well, in general my PowerTools are running fine, but ...
1) Creating or editing task:
I do my settings under: Action => Start types => Options, then go back to "Start types" to check the setting.
Unfortunatly there the setting has changed again to some others - by random access.
Also when editing an existing task, the settings shown under "Start types" are not the original ones.
2) Running a task - Backup-settings are: Allways backup ... :
Flush directories-Task with Start type: "Automatically when I log in to this computer"
The task starts and quiet often pops-up the error message: "Your license file is missing or corrupted..." With click on "OK" the message goes away.
The task was executed, as the indicated directory is empty, but I can't see a backup nor in the Backup-Tool, nor in the Backup folder of PT-directory.
But, oh wonder, when I delete the created task, the backup is shown suddenly.
This happens also with a RegCleaner-Task.
Is this reproducable by jv or other peoples ?