I have been a user of this incredible program for a short time. It is definitly the best and most welcomed of all I have encountered, an extended THANK YOU!
After using the program I have noticed a few things that may be of help to other users and to myself.
1. A cut/copy/drag/paste capability for the cookie manager especially for Black/White lists. Maybe added to the mouse control ie: right click, JV16 list, expanding, select: add to/ Whitelist / Blacklist. This would then allow a user to select directly from the / a searchbar/URL list, e-mail address list.
2. When I purchased this wonderful product it asked me if I wanted to pay a little extra for technical assistance. I gladly said and paid for 3 months, which has passed and I also note it was not required due to the tremendous programming put into this product. My thought here is after searching I cannot find where to renew this option, could this be added to the home page of Macecraft for a customer to find easily and maybe with a yearly rate or annual membership fee. ie: The Macecraft Members Club, pay a yearly fee and as a package all updates, technical assistance and so on.
Thank you again for a great product and for taking the time required to create every detail!!!