Hi, I wanted to report a Bug I found in Uninstalr v.2.5.


  • OS Version: Windows 11
  • Program I had the problem with: Mp3tag (portable installation)

If I install Mp3tag directly under desktop (i mean: ...\user\desktop\Mp3tag\<app stuff, .exe included>), the analysis goes just fine, and Uninstalr is able to detect the program, also correctly identifying it as a Portable installation.
However, if the Mp3tag installation folder is under another folder (in my case: ...\user\desktop\Other Programs\Mp3tag), it won't appear on the program list inside Uninstalr.

I think the bug is easy to replicate, so I won't post screenshots.

I only tested with this program; also I did not test what would happen if I install the "not-portable version" in a desktop subfolder. I think you should test these 2 situations too.

Thank you for your time, I appreciate your program.

Thank you for reporting! I'm investigating this issue. Seems like a fairly straightforward bug to fix.