A few users have reported that uninstalling apps with Uninstalr 2.4 will cause Windows to crash with the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

We have tried to reproduce this issue in every test computer and testing Virtual Machine that we have, but so far we have been unable to reproduce it. If I cannot see the problem happening, it's very difficult to fix. Also, this means it's a rather rare issue.

Nevertheless, I want to get this fixed as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing this issue, can you please download and run this special debug version of Uninstalr:

Simply run it, and use it to uninstall any app you want. If the BSOD issue reproduces, then please restart the computer, and send me the debug log files Uninstalr has created (they will be in the same folder where you ran Uninstalr from).

You can send the debug files directly to me via jouni.flemming@macecraft.com

The bug is not relating to what app you uninstall, so you can try to uninstall any app you want. If you don't have any apps you wish to uninstall, you can first install any app you want, say, 7-Zip, and then uninstall it with Uninstalr to trigger the issue.

And just to be clear, this bug does not cause any damage to the computer. After the BSOD occurs, simply restarting the system will restore the computer back to full capacity and no other actions are needed (e.g. restoring of backups).

Thank you all and please follow this thread for updates.

Also, one more thing: If you are a regular user who experiences the BSOD issue and don't want to help with the development but just want to use the app, you can continue to use the current official version and avoid the BSOD issue simply by unchecking the "Automatically close all running programs" option at the uninstallation confirmation screen of Uninstalr.

5 days later

Thank you all who have sent me the debug information already! I'm not entirely sure yet whether I have the issue fixed (because I have not been able to reproduce the problem in any system), but I will provide here a new debug version next week that attempts to fix the issue. You can then give it a quick try to confirm whether the issue is now fixed.

Also, just to be clear: this issue does not cause any damage or harm to the user's computer. Simply restarting the computer will restore it back to normal working condition. The BSOD issue is simply Windows acting funny and does not mean any kind of damage has occurred.

7 days later

I have now prepared Uninstalr 2.5 Release Candidate. If you have experienced the BSOD issue - or any other issue for that matter - please try this version:

If the problem still persists, please send me the debug log files the program generates. The debug log files are generated to the same folder the executable is run from.

You can send the debug log files to me directly via: jouni.flemming@macecraft.com

Thank you!

5 days later

Thank you very much for confirming the fix!