Here is the most recent Change Log:
Bug fix: If the File Finder or File Cleaner produces a long list of results, it will take forever to fully display all the column data.
Bug fix: Drag and drop of files to the File Tool causes heavy flickering and it takes forever to fully display all the column data.
Bug fix: Debug Tool lists buttons that are most of time impossible to test, such as "Download latest version" of the Check for Updates window.
Bug fix: Software Uninstaller creates profile.txt, values.txt and exe.ico to the installation directory of PowerTools.
Bug fix: When a backup contains both registry items and file system items, the backup shows on both the Registry Backups and File Backups tabs. When such item is removed, a confirmation is shown. However, the backup is removed from the list even if user cancels the operation. Refreshing the list brings the backup back.
Bug fix: Debug Tool shows an incorrect number of columns.
Bug fix: Registry Information Tool: some type counts in the "Stored data types" tab disagree with some counts in the details tab.
Bug fix: Unit Testing Tool reports many errors relating to TBackupManager.
Bug fix: When you (attempt to) disable a task in the tool's list, the program creates an empty ...\Backups\_StartupManager\MainIndex.dat file.
Bug fix: Top panel doesn't show long column captions properly.
Bug fix: Backup system can create an incorrect backup when removing a file type with the Registry Manager.
Bug fix: Registry Monitor Compare does nothing.
Bug fix: File Decrypt tool can open with the progress panel visible making it practically impossible to use the tool.
Bug fix: The progress panel of file decrption is too large to fully show inside the tool window.
Bug fix: Decryption of many files at the same time doesn't always work.
Bug fix: System Cleaner's Flush and Empty features honor the Global Ignore list for folders, but not for files.
Bug fix: Duplicate File Finder's result list can show duplicate lines (oh the irony!)
Improvement: Preference Saving is no longer visible in the File Decrypt tool, there are no preferences to save.
Improvement: Improved error handling and reporting of the File Encrypt tool.
Improvement: Added "Expand and select all" under the Right Click menu's List Control feature.
Improvement: Right Click menu's List Control is now visible even if right clicking the empty space of a list with no items selected.
Improvement: The log file of Delete files during reboot feature is now saved under PreStartupFileDelete folder.