tullik wrote
Beta 1 issues still open in Beta 2
When you abort the the Anti-malware Tool scan, its window closes, but it continues to use about 15% CPU and cannot be started again in the same session. (*) issue is with 1st abort button; 2nd one is OK. Still happens in v. Awaiting developer response.
This is now fixed, thank you for reporting! The CPU usage issue is not fixed, I'd rather want to allow the engine to initialize on the background than to abort that too.
tullik wrote
Tag editor: Clicking OK without changing anything causes the line's tags to disappear from the list. They are still there. Double clicking the line again makes them appear after a second no change OK. Inconsistent behavior in v. For example, the set tags show when the Backup Tool list first appears; they do not show when the History Cleaner list first appears. Awaiting developer response.
This is now fixed.
tullik wrote
An Empty directories action in an automated System Cleaner task keeps running and removing files even after you click Abort. Still happens in v. Please see a separate post made in the Beta 2 topic. Awaiting developer response.
This is now fixed.
tullik wrote
Startup Manager loops on the warning message shown here. Whether you click Yes or No, the pop-up always comes back. You have to kill PowerTools. - - - - - I tried Remove twice more. It didn't do the warning pop-up loop. Instead, each time, it got a list index out of bounds exception when I clicked Yes in the backup dialog. Behavior change in v. Please see a separate post on the subject later in this Beta 2 topic. Awaiting developer response.
I did some changes but I still haven't been able to reproduce the issue.
tullik wrote
In the Software Uninstaller, I selected "Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U18" and clicked Uninstall. The search for components window came up and I clicked Abort. Six or more access violations occurred. Still happens in v. There were ten delayed AV exceptions in a row. Awaiting developer response.
Software Uninstaller got several access violations when I did this: 1. I selected Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U18 and clicked Uninstall. ... One AV gone in v. Awaiting developer response.
These two issues should now be fixed.
tullik wrote
Software Uninstaller: Custom Uninstall in a software line's context menu does nothing. Still happens in v. By design in early beta versions? Awaiting developer response.
Fixed, i.e. removed.
Thank you for your great bug reports! Beta3 will be released shortly.