I created a trouble ticket for this, but FYI the Platinum VIP license.xbin that I bought this a.m. (email from Veera Peltonan) is not recognized by either 552 or 580. I uninstalled and re-installed from scratch, tried pointing "Install new license" to license.xbin in C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools directory (and desktop), also tried "Autofind a new license". Some error msgs:
: Could not automatically find any license file.
Please save the license file to your Desktop or to My Documents folder and try again.
: The following license file was found: "C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools\license.xbin", however, it is not a valid license file for jv16 PowerTools. Error message: Invalid or corrupted license file. If you have purchased a license, please contact Macecraft Software (http://www.macecraft.com) for a new license file.
The only thing I can see that is odd is that the license.xbin file shows under inside:
and it is actually a.m. of 25.05.2009 and the licensing emails also are showing "26-May" in the evening hours which is more than 24 hours off. Like I said I created a trouble ticket but no response yet. If anyone here has any ideas pls advise!