Sorry Rob
In a personal mail you wrote "thanks for your work" and now you are blaming me
When you went away for a long time, the first Dutch translation of your crew was plenty of errors (wrong translations and technical bad translations).
Only a few examples:
"executable (file)" = uitvoerbaar bestand (not "uitvoerbestand" nor "uitvoeringsbestand")
"within" = certainly not "inwendig" in the sentence "Look only for files which have been created - last accessed - last modified "within" ... (a number of days), but should be translated by "in de laatste"
"bookmarks" are certainly not "boekmarkeringen", but "bladwijzers"
"threads" are not "processen", because a thread is something else and can not be translated so far in Dutch
"Remove" in the sentence "all unknown cookies will be moved to Remove" is not "verwijderd worden", but "Verwijderen"
"probability" is not "eventueel", but "waarschijnlijkheid"
"natural language" is not "moedertaal" but "natuurlijke taal"
"from letter number" is not "naar" ..., but "vanaf" ...
"Perl regular expression search" is not "zoeken met Perl", because you did not mention the most important: "reguliere expressies"
"Windows" is not "windows", but "vensters" (not the program "Windows" was meant, but "vensters" under the menu "snelkoppelingen"
"move to keep" was not "verplaatsen om te houden", but "verplaatsen naar Behouden"
"does not exist" is not "niet gevonden", but "bestaat niet"
and so on and so on ...
"Add/remove" and "cancel" are not common expressions in Dutch translated programs. You just have to look in Windows XP Home (Dutch) where you will find "Toevoegen/verwijderen" en "annuleren".
Translating - almost- everything in Dutch can and must be done. Just take a look at the other translations of jv16PT in French, Spanish, Italian, Brasilian, Greek, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Polish ... almost everything is translated in those languages too ...
I have adapted so called "large descriptions" in a way they fit the size of the boxes they have to appear in.
To have a correct and nice translation of a program you have to know and understand every single part of that program and you have to test and run thoroughly the translation by running the program itself with its translation.
That's what I have done while you were away ...
I couldn't leave that Dutch translation that bad way all that time ...
Moreover you will agree that the translation of the program must contain the same words and expressions as the translation of the handbook and vice versa. If not that becomes confusing for the user ... And moreover the images in the handbook (Dutch ones!) must match the words and expressions of the handbook and vice versa.
So, I have done it :)
While you were away, I have spent every single day improving the Dutch translation of jv16 PT 2005 (14 corrected versions now) and translating the handbook (4 corrected versions now).
I am sorry, but I think I could not wait for your return and letting the Dutch users there be stucked with a translation with many errors.
You "didn't get an answer"? Sorry again: after my critics in this forum, you left for about two months, while I spent my daily time improving jv16PT's Dutch translation and translating the Handbook
Notice that I am a jv16PT user since the very beginning, i.e. years before Macecraft Software released the first official "buying" version of the program ...
With this reply, for me the discussion is closed ...
Best regards