Here are the results of bug fixing of the RC3 done since the last report. Notice that the Reported by field means the user who was the first to report the problem. If there are errors in these reports, please let me know since these are used when it is decided which users qualify for the free personal license.
Issues found by beta testers
Issue: In Registry Cleaner's results window > Select >"Higlighted" is NOT translated.
Reported by: redseujac
Status: Actually, the Select > Highlighted option shouldn't be visible at all. Fixed in the Final version and later.
Issue: In Registry Find & Replace : the message "Analyzing the registry, this will take a while. Please wait." and the button "Abort" are NOT translated.
Reported by: redseujac
Status: Fixed in the Final version and later.
Issue: The progress bar of Start Menu Fixer doesn't show the progress of the operation very well.
Reported by: tullik & BlackDex
Status: Fixed in the Final version and later.
Issue: When I give Duplicate File Finder a list of more than one directory to search, it only searches the last one -- and does it multiple times.
Reported by: tullik
Status: Fixed in the Final version and later.
Issues found in in-house testing
Issue: Registry Find & Replace reports a job well done even if the search was aborted.
Status: Fixed in the Final version and later.
Issue: The program should show more tips on how to use different tools.
Status: Fixed in the Final version and later, now all the main tools show a short description of what the tool does on the very first time the tool is opened.