Hello Jouni,
I Tested it out for you, but it's not working as i already thought.
It will never work without some special programing.
This because 32Bit software gets redirected to another system32 folder which is realy 32bit, this folder is called SysWOW64 (Nice mix hu ).
The same goes for the registry, 64Bit registry entries arn't visible because HKLM\SOFTWARE gets redirected to the 'Wow6432Node' when a 32Bit application try's to access it.
Therefore stuff all gets mixed up.
You can bypass this by calling new API's, checkout the following:
- File System Redirector
- Registry Redirector
- Registry Key Security and Access Rights
I Havn't tryed them my self, don't have Delphi installed yet on Vista, nor have much time today. But im happy to check this out if you want to.
Etherway, if you ar not adding this fuctionality for the 64Bit OS versions in the upcomming version, atleast filter out the redirected folders like "\system32", so ppl can't remove key's matching it.
Hope this will help you.
BTW, if you need any information, or testing, just ask me.