Here are the results of bug fixing of the Beta4 done since the last report. Notice that the Reported by field means the user who was the first to report the problem. If there are errors in these reports, please let me know since these are used when it is decided which users qualify for the free personal license.
Beta4 Bug Fixing Report 3
Issues found by beta testers
Issue: Disk Defragmenter's caption bar shows a debug number even if the program is not running in Debug Mode.
Reported by: Beaumont Barnabe
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later.
Issue: The program doesn't always close properly, all windows are closed but jv16PT.exe is still running.
Reported by: Tullik
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later.
Issue: When analyzing drive Disk Defragmenter fills in the first line on the drive report, but subsequent tabs give the error message that the drive hasn't been analyzed yet. Rerunning the analyzer does not correct this.
Reported by: dmckay
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later.
Issue: Backup Tool will not show a confirmation for backup removal if Registry Cleaner has been run in automated mode during the same PT session.
Reported by: drob
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later. The automated mode of Registry Cleaner failed to restore the app back to its normal status. In the automation mode the program doesn't show any prompts or confirmations.
Issues found in in-house testing
Issue: The program can sometimes crash on "Can't focus a disabled window" or "Invalid window handle" error message.
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later.
Issue: Disk Defragmenter's image generation is too slow.
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later. The image generation (i.e. after Analyze button has been clicked) took some 25 seconds on large hard disk drive in our test environment with Beta4. In Beta5 the same data was analyzed and image generated in 0.47 seconds.
Issue: Selecting both "Automatically fix found errors" and "Automatically delete found errors" from Registry Cleaner's settings shows an invalid error message.
Status: Fixed in Beta5 and later.