Thank you for all the feedback, this message addresses all reports sent so far (or at least attempts to). Please let me know if I missed something.
Issues reported of Beta1 by users
Issue: "One bug i found already is when you create a desktop icon for some of the tools such as the startup manager and directory tool, it only opens the powertools interface."
Reported by: Ryan
Status: Now fixed
Issue: "Only i just have 5 Paritions, and the space allocated under all the drives can be used by the tabs at the bottom. Would be nice if the tabs at the bottom can get more space to the top. Or let the user change its height by a divider or something. "
Reported by: BlackDex
Status: Panel resizing feature added.
Issue: "Also, after defraging a partition, it would be nice to have it analysed again or something. So you can see the difference of a before and after."
Reported by: BlackDex
Status: Now fixed
Issue: "Also, after defraging a partition, it would be nice to have it analysed again or something. So you can see the difference of a before and after."
Reported by: BlackDex
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Registry Cleaner removes some keys by Daemon Tools.
Reported by: easymode
Status: Now fixed
Issue: "1. Add a column showing the registry key where the entries live. This means some items would show with separate counts on more than one line since they may come from different keys.
2. Add a line context menu with a jump to regedit. "
Reported by: tullik
Status: Regedit option added. In a case of multiple registry key storage locations the first one shall be opened, a more sophisticated solution can be added later. An additional colum will not be added due to the possibility of numerous data sources (including multiple registry keys and files in the future).
Issue: PT 2006 and PT 2007 show different counts for certain items of the History Cleaner
Reported by: tullik
Status: Some definition files of PT 2006 contained minor bugs (causing not all history items to be identified), these bugs are now fixed and PT 2007 shows a few more items. As far as I can tell, this is not a bug.
Issue: Progress panels of some tools (e.g. History Cleaners) are shown even if "Don't show the status indicator" setting has been enabled.
Reported by: tullik
Status: Now fixed
Issue: "In the 'Registry Manager' The last 3 tabs arn't filled with the right contents."
Reported by: BlackDex
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Some features now working on Vista
Reported by: rmonroe36
Status: I will try to get some beta version of Vista for more testing.
Issue: Registry Compactor window doesn't have a status bar
Reported by: tullik
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Registry Cleaner freezes during operation
Reported by: tullik
Status: Most likely due to the Debug Mode which is enabled by default in Beta1. Try to disable it.
Issue: Delay in removal of files in File Finder
Reported by: tullik
Status: Couldn't reproduce, can you?
Issue: The "Show messages ..." options presented in the Welcome dialog are not yet implemented in the Settings tool.
Reported by: tullik
Status: Known issue, now fixed.
Issue: Text missing on the File Cache update prompt.
Reported by: Tails
Status: Cannot reproduce, can you?
Issue: Success rate, Show UninstStr, Find no paths buttons Specifically overlap the "Custom Uninstall" button on the right when the window is opened as default size (not maximized).
Reported by: jeremyofmany
Status: Not a bug, the three special buttons are for debug purposes and not normally visible (only in debug mode).
Issue: Is the Safe Mode scan supposed to detect the following file extensions by default?:
Reported by: jeremyofmany
Status: No, the safe mode of the File Cleaner should only list *.tmp; *.temp; *.gid; *.chk; *.~*; files. But if other options of the File Cleaner are enabled, for example "Unused shared DLL/ocx files", any files can be listed.
Issue: The "More Functions" button will disappear if I move my mouse outside of its area (to the left) but if I just move the cursor onto the white area w/ grid lines it will not vanish, but on double click (and only on the white area) it will go away. I think this should be changed for to vanish regardless of where the mouse is moved and instantly once the cursor leaves the box.
Reported by: jeremyofmany
Status: Not a bug, it works like designed. If more people state they support the operation defined by jeremyofmany above, it will be changed.
Issue: When I search my C:\ for obvious folder names like "Documents" and "Windows" or even "jv16" it doesn't appear to actually do any searching and shows no results instantly.
Reported by: jeremyofmany
Status: The Skip system directories to improve safety is enabled by default and will cause the tool to fully ignore the Windows' installation dir as well as the Documents and Settings dir (as well as its sub-dirs). Would this solve the issue?
Issue: Diskeeper 2007 reports 219 fragmented files and 2% fragmentation. jv16 2007 reports 237 and 3.57% fragmentation.
Reported by: jeremyofmany
Status: jv16 PT 2007's Disk Defragger counts fragmented directories also as files (because they actually are files), would this solve the issue?
Issue: Disk Defragmenter freezes or crashes on the image generation.
Reported by: (many users)
Status: Trying to locate the bug
Issue: InfoBox messages are not shown if the parent window is maximized
Reported by: wilbertnl
Status: Now fixed
Issue: a minor bug: the "options" tab does not work (either displays "ignore words" tab or "match criteria" tab".)
Reported by: guizop
Status: Now fixed
Issue: "I wish the mach criteria were saved with the preferences. "
Reported by: guizop
Status: They should be, are you saying they are not saved?
Issue: in the duplicate files finder, when a file cannot be deleted (for instance, marked read-only) it is anyhow removed from the tree display.
Reported by: guizop
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Is it possible (and desirable), when running Registry Compactor, viewing the evolution of the process in the (new) messages window, e.g. "HKLM\Security done!", "HKLM\Software, done!", HKLM\System, done!, etc. ?
Reported by: redseujac
Status: Now fixed, are there still other similar "main features" which lack the similar progress view?
Issue: "Also show "HKLM\Security started!", et cetera."
Reported by: tullik
Status: Only the end of procedures are shown, also reporting the start would easily flood the display.
Issue: "And dare we ask for a time stamp on each message (for all tools, not just the compactor)?"
Reported by: tullik
Status: Splendid idea. However, I don't think it looks very good. Well, let me know what you think, it will be in Beta2.
Issues found in in-house testing
Issue: Disk Defragger has the Analyze and Defrag buttons are disabled by default.
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Disk Defragger contains some debug code that could cause the program to crash if the system doesn't have a D:\ drive.
Status: Now fixed
Issue: Sometimes two InfoBox windows show up for the same window, especially when tips are displayed.
Status: Now fixed
Question: "Since the History Cleaner *.xdat definitions are compiled or encrypted, will you be providing a new way to define MRU items not included in the install? "
Answer: I'm afraid not, the support of dat formated History Cleaner definition files was introduced to PT 2006. We haven't received a single custom-made definition file so far, therefore the support for custom made definition files has been dropped. The files are now encrypted to protect the definition data from being copied to competitive products.
Next release
The Beta2 should be released in this week.