Registry scan takes hours
krese1 wrote... I ran the Regedit find and it took 45 seconds.
Also PowerTools 1.4.x & 2005 Registry Cleaner runs fine.
Great -- clearly a PT 2006 problem.
krese1 wroteNOTE: I exported my entire registry - output file 80mb
My desktop: 44MB
My notebook: 76MB
Let's see what Registry Finder does ...
1. Run Registry Finder
-- Search method...Normal
-- Search words: lastkey and environment
-- Options: check only: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Analyze key names, and Analyze value names
-- took 2 seconds on my desktop
2. Repeat 1 with:
-- Options: check only: HKEY_USERS, Analyze key names, and Analyze value names
-- took 1 second on my desktop