"Synonym" characteristics ...
I did an RC run with these settings:
Options: all scans checked except HKLM, HKCL, HKCC, and ActiveX/usv
Mode: Normal mode checked
Advanced options: only "Use as little CPU power as possible" checked
Ignore words: c:\hp\tmp\src and \Temp\pft and Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\ and Money 2006
The run displayed 38 lines. The following describes the lines:
1 line = an HKLM oarme key only (HKLM\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\Uninstall\MPlayer2\)
3 lines = an HKLM oarme key followed by two entry names under the key
3 lines = another HKLM oarme key followed by two entry names under the key
12 lines = HKCU fod.dne which are OpenSaveMRU type entries
1 line = HKCU fod.dne which is an entry from wordpad's recent file list
13 lines = HKUS "synonyms" for the previous 13 lines
2 lines = an HKCU and an HKUS fod.dne which are "synonyms" for a media player item
2 lines = an HKCL and an HKLM ufe which are "synonyms" for a software class item
1 line = an HKCU ufe key only (HKCU\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\Explorer\FileExts\OpenWithList\)
38 total lines
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BT=Backup Tool
CF=Custom Fix
RC=Registry Cleaner
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ufe=Useless file extension
ose=Obsolete software entry
oarme=Obsolete add/remove menu entry
fod.dne=File or directory "path" doe not exist
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Synonym characteristics in Registry Cleaner
1. If you "Remove" an HKCL or HKUS synonym line, it drops from the RC list; its partner does not. Its partner is no longer in the registry (per regedit).
2. If you "Remove" an HKLM synonym line, it drops from the RC list; its HKCL partner does not. Its partner is no longer in the registry (per regedit).
3. If you "Remove" an HKCL synonym line, it drops from the RC list; its HKLM partner does not. Its partner is no longer in the registry (per regedit).
4. Restoring either part of an HKCU/HKUS synonym pair using the BT, restores both parts.
5. Restoring either part of an HKCL/HKLM synonym pair using the BT, restores both parts.
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The above dialog constitutes a test of the RC "Remove" function. There were no flaws, only "characteristics," all of which are transparent to the casual user.
Next test will be Custom Fix, using the same data.