I have been using JV16 2005 fine. I tried JV16 2006 today and had several serious problems

1) Registry compact stops responding and locks up my computer fully requiriing a hard reset. I have not had software do this for some time. I used NTREGOPT without any problems.

2) Registry Cleaner was fine on JV16-2005; however, on JB-16 2006 I get a message of "Internal Error E:@, I choose OK. It continues and more Internal Errors occur. The first time I ran the Reg Cleaner the program stopped responding and required using Windows Task Manager to shut it down. The second time the same Internal Errors occured but I was able to clean the registry. The cleaner was better than 2005 since it found even more erroneous keys than 2005, and I have only used normal and not aggressive cleaning.

Any comments/suggestions?

OK, a bit more information.

The Compacting is not actually locking up but the computer is totally unresponsive for a while. I am not used to software essentially locking up things.

I am getting an error message: Error! Failed to open registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY". I can select OK and then the computer appears to be frozen....however, after some time the registry is compacted except for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY. I would like to know how to avoid this error. It does not happen in NTREGOPT, nor does my computer become non-responsive during compacting. I also got an error something like this in the Reg. Cleaner.... but after cleaning, I stopped getting this error. The Compacter continues to give this error.

Any ideas on how to fix this error... and any comments on not having the computer be totally unrepsonsive during compacting.

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And the Internal Error messages with the Registry Cleaner are just debug code, they will not show in the final product version.