redseujacJan 30, 2006Post #0 Monday, January 30, 2006 12:45 PM Dragged and dropped some directories to the Directory Tool window. NOTHING is listed in the columns: "Sub-drectories" "Files" "Size of Contents" except: "N/A" I think that's a BUG :
jv16Jan 31, 2006Post #0 Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:13 AM This is by design, the information is shown only with the Directory Finder. But this might be changed in the future.
redseujac Dragged and dropped some directories to the Directory Tool window. NOTHING is listed in the columns: "Sub-drectories" "Files" "Size of Contents" except: "N/A" I think that's a BUG :
jv16 This is by design, the information is shown only with the Directory Finder. But this might be changed in the future.