RC4i again:
In order to protect the downloaded pictures of my "Dynamic Desktop Themes" I set a exclusion for the windows storage path (German Win7 32/SP1) in the "Global Ignore List":
"C:\Benutzer\jens\appdata\local\temp\temporäre internetdateien\Enclosure\"
For test I ran CFMC and surprisingly the program offered the whole content of the excluded folder for deletion.
A reboot or even a new clean installation did not solve this problem.
After 2(!) days of thinking and trying I came to the in priciple idiotic idea to change the path to a litle bit of English language andI replaced the word "Benutzer" by the English term "Users". I did not translate the term "Temporäre Internetdateien" (Temporary Internet Files).
So the new path was:
C:\users\jens\appdata\local\temp\temporäre internetdateien\Enclosure\
The long story short: this one worked.
Explanation ... I don't know
Thought ... something is not right