jortner wroteI have the same problem as some other users who reported that the application closes after one answers 'Yes' to the file cache update. I tried a couple of things, including clean installs, removing the FileCache.dat file, and editing the FileCache.dat file with a list of drives. None of it worked. In all cases, I a new FileCache.dat is recreated with a 0 length.
On my system I have dual drives, with drive letters C, D, E, F, G, H, J, N, O on the first drive, and I, K, P, Q, R on the second drive.
My boot loader is on C, my operating system Windows XP Pro SP2 is on drive K (the second hard drive).
Could it be that such a not necesseraly typical configuration is the problem for the file cache updater? Just a thought
I am having the same problem as jortner (and others). I am a totally new user, and have downloaded and installed the trial version of jv16 PowerTools 2005. (Actually I first tried the trial version of RegSupreme Pro 1.0 - where the cache process worked just fine. I decided I wanted something more so I uninstalled it and installed jv16).
As soon as I run jv16 v1.5.0.277 and say Yes to updating the cache, the program closes. Nothing is written to the FileCache.dat file - it is blank. I tried putting the drive entries in it with just c=True and the rest False, but the program closes before it can use them.
I have a dual processor AMD, Windows XP Pro SP2 installed on a single 40 gig drive (3 partitions), a Highpoint RAID controller with 2 160 gig drives in RAID 1 (9 partitions). I do not have any USB drives hooked up.