Vista-U_SP 2 /32 [US Version}
Palemoon 9.1
unable to uninstall jv Beta 2...
C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools 2012 Beta2\Uninstall\uninstall.xml
Please note that the Beta 2 version Expired...
Licensed JV does "no"t recognize or list installation of jv Beta 2 software..?
Action: taken :
System Restore>
√ Manual deletion of flies and Program Folder
√ reinstall jv Beta 3 completed ..? = Operation = requested buy License {Pop-Up}__..?
√ Manual deletion of flies and Program Folder Beta....
System Restore>
√ Copied Licensed (Folder) file uninstall.xml.. = uninstalled
√ Result = Uninstall of Licensed version only...
System Restore>
√ Manual deletion of flies and Program Folderjv Beta....
√ Same results>>...reinstall jv Beta 3 completed ..? = Operation = requested buy License {Pop-Up}__..?
System Restore>
Why am I unable to remove and reinstall the Beta version...?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Again? Previous update of jv Beta 1 = Upgrade to jv Beta 2 was done "Pryor" to jv Beta 1 expiration date = no problem-O w/Upgrade to jv Beta2......