In Build 980 running on Windows 7 32-bit:
1. The registry cleaner reported three broken file extensions: .bat, .cmd and .inf. As far as I could tell, there was nothing broken with those file types. Double-clicking any file with one of the extensions indicated produced the normal expected result. For example, double-clicking on a .bat file executed the batch file normally.
I pressed the Fix button on the registry cleaner. This worked without any error messages. However after that, a number of applications stopped working. For example Microsoft Encarta Dictionary, Encarta Encyclopedia, etc. By "stopped working" I mean that the applications did not start but produced various error messages instead.
I restored the registry cleaner backup and the applications started working normally again. All of the above was done in sequence, with nothing intervening. Here is the contents of the backup file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupManager
; Component version: 1.4.2
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2010
; Program version:
; File Description: Registry Cleaner - Selected: 6, total: 6
; Date: 08.10.2010
; Time: 12
2. The issue reported for Build 970 in still occurs in Build 980, even though Hukka wrote that it was fixed.