siliconman01 wroteWindows 7 x64 Professional
I put the Registry Scanner in Reference mode at the most aggressive setting. I just wanted to see what it would find. The scan hangs indefinitely at what appears to be end of the scan. A debug log is attached.
Tested on x64 Vista HP SP2 desktop
I hadn't tried the reference scanning mode, so I did it too. It completed normally. However, when compared to the same aggressive scan with normal scanning mode, there were some differences in the Invalid file or directory reference group:
- Normal mode:
Reference mode:
- The list showed 167 lines.
There were about 5 possible "false positives," all related to incorrect handling of Wow6432Nodes.
I'll pick those out and add the information to this post in case Jouni wants to reproduce the result.
There were also 41 suspicious lines for a CLSID. It's too complex to post here. I'll check it again in Beta 2.
Possible false positives from the list:
jv16 PowerTools 2010
; Note: the correct subkeys and entries are under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\...
Data fields are: Key, Entry's name, Value, Entry last modified, Error severity, Error description, File reference
HKLM\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\SharedDLLs\, C:\Windows\system32\mscomctl.ocx, N/A, 09.12.2009, 20, 99, File or directory "C:\Windows\system32\mscomctl.ocx" does not exist, C:\Windows\system32\mscomctl.ocx
HKLM\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\SharedDLLs\, C:\Windows\system32\VEN2232.OLB, N/A, 09.12.2009, 20, 99, File or directory "C:\Windows\system32\VEN2232.OLB" does not exist, C:\Windows\system32\VEN2232.OLB
HKLM\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\SharedDLLs\, C:\Windows\system32\VBAEND32.OLB, N/A, 09.12.2009, 20, 99, File or directory "C:\Windows\system32\VBAEND32.OLB" does not exist, C:\Windows\system32\VBAEND32.OLB
HKLM\Soft\MSoft\Win\CurVer\SharedDLLs\, C:\Windows\system32\VBAEN32.OLB, N/A, 09.12.2009, 20, 99, File or directory "C:\Windows\system32\VBAEN32.OLB" does not exist, C:\Windows\system32\VBAEN32.OLB
HKLM\Soft\MozillaPlugins\\, XPTPath, C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\flashplayer.xpt, 24.11.2009, 07, 99, File or directory "C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\flashplayer.xpt" does not exist, C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\flashplayer.xpt
Entries.reg for them using the Registry Cleaner context menu:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; File created by TBackupTool
; Component version: 1.4.2
; Component used by: jv16 PowerTools 2010
; Program version:
; File Description:
; Date: 11.12.2009
; Time: 05
Note: all the above referenced files exist, so reproduction in a test environment could require creation of fake files with the referenced names.