More bug fixing done:
12. File Cleaner: is not clearing its memory when restarted with different tool settings. The list is not reset. The finds from the first scan stay on the list and are joined by the finds from the second scan.
13. File Finder: is not clearing its memory when restarted with different tool settings. The list is not reset. The finds from the first scan stay on the list and are joined by the finds from the second scan.
14. File Cleaner: the second option in the Grouping tab has a wrong text caption.
15. With the second level registry key abbreviation selected, the Ctrl+click in Registry Cleaner on a top panel's key opens RegEdit at Computer regardless of the mouse pointer positioning.
16. In folder Cache, SearchDirs.dat contains 2 entries to my E:\ drive. The E:\ drive is in the Global Ignore List.
17. The Registry Cleaner could analyze a data like "c:\windows\rundll32.exe /c:\foobar.exe" and show it in the Registry Cleaner with an error message "File or directory 'c:\windows\rundll32.exe' does not exist" even if the file does exist. The correct error message would be "File or directory 'c:\foobar.exe' does not exist" and this is how it now works.
The program is getting close to beta quality, a public beta testing could start on next week. Before that I'm hoping to get a Test Version 10 released to even larger number of our best testers to make sure all the rought edges are smoothed out before the public beta testing even begins.