jv16 tullik wrote *** The results window was completely unresponsive to the mouse. *** It terminated with a single use of the Escape key. *** The main window popped up and also was unresponsive, as was its task bar entry. *** However, double clicking its title bar minimized it. *** Then clicking its task bar entry brought up a responsive main window, which I closed. I belive I now caught the bug, thank you very much for your help! I can see the next beta version released during the weekend, unlike the first beta, the second beta will be fully functional (i.e. not Read-Only).
tullik Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
tullik It looks like PTLite has a fix for the PT2009 bug which causes certain registry "error" items to be listed and counted more than once. 8) In the PTLite screenshot below, all the apparently duplicate lines point to the correct key, per RegEdit and the caption area. 05-01-2009_21-12-16.jpg 05-01-2009_21-10-57.jpg
tullik Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
tullik A minor issue: When a minimized results window finishes its scan, it pops up. However, it stays behind other windows you are using with no indication, such as a flashing task bar, that it is done,
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